We advertise vacancies on the eTeach website which can be found by clicking on the image below:
Why work at Maple?
Maple Infants' School is a 'gem' of a school, nestled right at the heart of Surbiton and in an area that resident's affectionally refer to as 'Maple Village'.
As a community infant school we are Early Years specialists, seeking to meet the needs of our diverse and supportive community.
Our children embody the school's vision of 'Together We Learn And Grow' - they are eager to learn, want to share their knowledge and skills and make great progress.
Our staff are dedicated, hard working and seek to 'go the extra mile' to support the children and families in our care. They also embody the school's vision, and see themselves as learners too - learning from the children everyday but also from each other, as a collaborative staff team, and through the school's comprehensive program of professional development.
Please do take a look around our website to find out more about us, and if you'd like to ask any questions about the vacancies we have advertised above, then do please call the school office on 020 8399 3341.