Our curriculum has grown from the school’s mission statement, considering our aspirations for each and every child and what we want them to learn about themselves, where they live and the wider world.
We want our children to experience a curriculum that will support them to be successful lifelong learners who love learning, make progress and achieve. We want our curriculum to support children to be confident individuals who are able to live safe, happy and active lives. We want our children to grow into responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to their community, inspired by our curriculum offer.
Our curriculum is topic based, where skills are taught, revisited and built upon, often beginning with a hook to engage the children and then routed through practical and relevant experiences for the lives of our children, encompassing the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum.
It is our intention to provide every child with the skills they need to prepare them for the next stage of their learning so that our vision ‘together we learn and grow’ can be embedded through an exciting and relevant curriculum which is ambitious for all pupils; is coherently planned and sequenced; is successfully adapted, designed and developed for pupils with additional needs and that is broad and balanced for all pupils. Our curriculum intent is as follows:
All children to become confident and fluent readers, who enjoy reading for pleasure and are able to fully access the curriculum
To ensure that vocabulary is developed across the curriculum, ensuring that children have rich, implicit and explicit opportunities to learn new and more advanced vocabulary so that they feel empowered as learners
To foster mathematical confidence through a developing fluency in fundamental mathematical concepts and have a variety of strategies they can draw upon when problem solving
To nurture a growing understanding of how to stay safe and live happy and healthy lives, both emotionally and physically
To experience success and develop confidence in learning, which builds on prior knowledge supporting children to know more and remember more
To be inquisitive and motivated through a rich curriculum which engages children, inspires interests and promotes independence
To ensure that children have rich experiences including visits, visitors and hands on opportunities, particularly planning for cultural capital, which will give all our children confidence and responsibility in the wider community and beyond
All children to be able to confidently communicate their learning, ideas and reflections, verbally and through written form
To celebrate diversity, nurturing kindness, tolerance, and mutual respect of different cultures, faiths, beliefs and differences