At Maple Infants' School we take our role seriously in ensuring online safety systems are securely in place for pupils, staff and visitors.
Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) 2022 clearly outlines our school's responsibility with regard to online safety including 'filtering and monitoring'.
At Maple Infants' School we have appropriate filtering and monitoring systems in place and regularly review their effectiveness. Staff have an awareness and understanding of the provisions in place and know how to escalate concerns if identified. We are careful that “over blocking” does not lead to unreasonable restrictions as to what children can be taught with regard to online teaching and safeguarding.
In our school children do not have unsupervised access to school online technology and they do not bring personal technology in from home (including phones, tablets or smart watches). Staff have personalised logins to access the school network which supports the appropriate filtering and monitoring systems we have in place. Visitors are not able to access our network and can only use our Wi-Fi with permission from a senior leader, should this be identified as essential to their visit. We have Acceptable Use Policies in place for pupils, staff and visitors.
We are a London Grid for Learning (LGfL) school. They provide our filtered broadband connection and support our network services including email. The UK Safer Internet Centre asked all UK web filtering providers to self-certify their filtering system using their checklist, so that schools and families can understand how illegal and inappropriate content is filtered.
LGfL's filtering checklist can be found below - please click on the image to open the full document:
LGfL offers support for families with their web filtering at home using their LGfL HomeProtect system. For more information on this please click the image below to take you to the LGfL HomeProtect webpage: