At Maple Infants’ School, we wholeheartedly believe that early years’ education sets the scene for the children’s learning journey as they begin their school life. These early years play a crucial role in igniting and inspiring learning from an early age and our mission statement ‘together we learn and grow’ reflects the importance of establishing that learning is a journey which continues as we grow. It is therefore crucially important for us to be able to provide the children with rich experiences that not only broadens their understanding, knowledge and skills but also supports their own personal development and enables them to extend their own cultural capital. We strive to provide a rich programme of experiences and events that would not be possible without additional financial support. We have a number of ways families can financially support our school and in turn enhance the experiences of their child.
Maple Infants’ School Voluntary Fund
Registration Number is 1179348.
You can see full details on the Charity Commission’s website:
At a time when all schools in England are facing significant government funding cuts we rely on any additional funding to support the provision which we provide the pupils at Maple Infants’ School. Our Governing Body has set up a School Voluntary Fund that welcomes regular donations, as well as those given on a more ad hoc basis. The money raised by this fund is used to enhance our children’s education by contributing, for instance, to the improvement of recreational and teaching facilities or to provide added value to the curriculum beyond what is funded by the government. Our requested donation is £60 per year per child or £5 per month. If half of our families made this regular donation, it would provide the school with approximately an additional £10,000. We can receive your donation in the following ways:
+Pay - the easiest (and our preferred) method is by using +Pay (our online payment system), which is accessed via your ParentMail login. You will be able to pay your voluntary contribution by logging into ParentMail and going to the ‘Payments – To Pay’ tab, where you will see “voluntary contribution” as an option to purchase.
Standing order payments - please use the following bank details to set up a standing order with your bank:
Account name: Maple Infants’ School Voluntary Fund Account Number: 2358 1660 Sort Code: 30-99-08
Please also remember to tick the Gift Aid declaration box - it will boost your donation by 25%, at no cost to you.
Cash or cheque – these can be given to the school office
If you use Amazon, we ask you use AmazonSmile and tick the Maple Infants’ School Voluntary Fund as your chosen charity. Amazon contributes to the fund with no extra cost to you every time you make a purchase.
Any financial help, no matter how big or small, is greatly appreciated – thank you in advance.
Click on gift aid form above to download
Amazon Smile – Giving Scheme
Another way to donate to Maple Infants’ School Voluntary fund
We are encouraging everyone who shops on Amazon to take advantage of their charity donation scheme. Please click the link below and choose Maple Infants’ Voluntary School fund as your chosen charity to support. After that, every purchase you make will make a direct donation to us. This will not cost you anything extra, it is Amazon that makes the donation, not you.
Please click the link below to register Maple Infants’ Voluntary School fund as your chosen charity to support.