We are pleased to share with you below the data headlines for our school for the last 3 academic years. As an infant school we track pupil progress ongoing throughout the year, but there are also key national attainment data measures that take place for the following year groups:
End of Reception - In the last term of Reception, children's attainment against the 17 Early Learning Goals are assessed to establish if they are working towards the goals, have met, or indeed exceeded the goal. If children meet or exceed the first 12 consecutive goals in Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Communication Language & Literacy, Physical Development, Literacy and Maths then they are considered to have the national measure of a 'Good Level of Development'
End of Year 1 - In the summer term of Year 1, children's phonic decoding skills are measured with a national phonics screening assessment. The expected standard is set by the government and for the last few years this has remained as scoring 32 out of 40. For those children who do not meet the expected standard in Year 1, additional phonic support is delivered in Year 2 ahead of a re-assessment in the summer term.
End of Year 2 - At the end of Key Stage 1, children's attainment in reading, writing, maths and science are assessed against national expectations known as the Teacher Assessment Frameworks. For reading, writing and maths, children are assessed as being either working towards the expected standard, at the expected standard or working at greater depth. In science the measure is working towards or at the expected standard only.
Please note that due to the national pandemic in 2020, schools are not required to publish attainment data for that particular year, as the EYFS Profile, Year 1 Phonics & KS1 assessments did not take place.
2021 national assessments were also suspended due to further national school closures, so the above attainment measures did not take place. However, the school will continued to track pupil progress in all areas of the curriculum and our school data is shown, without national comparison.
The link below will direct you to The Department for Education School performance tables. This information is useful to a wide range of audiences and can be used to compare schools and colleges in England. You can check: