A knowledge organiser is a summary of the key vocabulary and knowledge that pupils will learn in a topic/half term. On the knowledge organiser you will find:
Key knowledge children will learn
Key vocabulary children will learn and begin to use in their talk, play and learning in Nursery or Reception
Focus texts, poems, songs and stories
Enrichment events
How can I use the knowledge organiser to support my child’s learning at home?
Knowledge organisers are a clear and easy way for you to understand what your child is learning in school. Each week, we detail our learning focus and key vocabulary on our weekly overviews emailed home. Use the knowledge organiser to support your discussion about learning at home and prepare your child for their future learning in school. This will mean that pupils come to school already having some understanding of the key vocabulary and learning. Alternatively, use the knowledge organiser to reflect upon learning in school. You can use the knowledge organiser to talk to your child about their learning, supporting them in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning as they continue on their learning journey.